Spring is finally here, and with the longer days comes leaves and flowers! That also means that it's time to start gearing up for some nature based art at Trout Lake Community Centre!
I'll be at the community centre today to celebrate Earth Day along with lots of other great community groups. I'll have a few short activities for people to do, including hammered leaf and flower pressings. I'll also have some natural inks I've made on hand for people to try out as a teaser for some of the upcoming ink making workshops. There will also be some small cards for people to paint and draw on using the inks - just in time for Mother's Day next month.
Mainly though, this will be an opportunity to learn about the upcoming spring and summer programming. Can't make it to the Earth Day celebration today? No problem! You can find some info relating to upcoming workshops below.
For registration you can go to https://ca.apm.activecommunities.com/vancouver/Activity_Search and type in any of the workshops you're interested in. I'll make specific posts for each workshop as they near with direct links for registration.